P&G LTIP Calculator


Just like a carpenter needs specialized tools to create fine furniture, specialized decision making and planning tools can help you optimize your investment choices and plan the perfect retirement. That’s why we’ve created a special calculator to help you evaluate between Non-Qualified Stock Options and Restricted Stock Units offered in your Long-Term Incentive Program (LTIP).

Generous P&G Leadership awards can help you accumulate enough assets to retire comfortably. Making smart choices about how to take your awards is an important part of your overall retirement plans.

In addition to creating specialized tools, we’ve developed specific knowledge and skills to help you with your retirement benefits and leadership awards. That combined with our asset management and financial planning expertise helps clients feel confident they’re on target for financial success.

Working with a professional Adviser frees up time and energy for family and friends. More peace of mind to live life and pursue the things that matter most to you.

Think you might want some advice?

How confident are you about your personal financial future? Are you feeling overwhelmed, or are you just interested in other pursuits? You are not alone. If you think you might be ready to hire a professional Adviser, great, give us a call or send us an email and we’ll start a conversation.

After an initial conversation, if you’re ready for a next step, we’ll meet to talk in more detail and begin developing a preliminary goal plan analysis. After we’ve met again to review and discuss your preliminary goal plan, and when you are ready to move forward, we’ll help you get your Advisory relationship started. Yes, it’s that easy!

Think you’d Rather DIY?
We’re fine with that. You’ll let us know when we can help. For now, feel free to use our LTIP calculator yourself and determine what’s best for your long-term financial goals.

Fill Out the Form to Gain Access to the Calculator


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